Relentless Optimism

A toppled tree in the woods forms a backdrop for the encroaching emerald carpet of springtime. On a contemplative morning walk, nature provides a nurturing reminder of how to be relentlessly optimistic about new growth and the potential in what lies ahead of us, in spite of what has fallen around us.

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Would you like some poetry with your science?

As we navigate today's turbulent pandemic seas, what will hold us intact as we find our way to safer shores? For sure, we all need tangible and scientifically-proven invaluables such as healthy food, warm and dry shelter, reliable internet, and masks to reduce the transmission of infection. But I also need a little poetry to go along with my science.

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Bright Beauties: Jupiter, Saturn, and the Great Conjunction

It's not my practice to follow astronomy news, so I didn't know anything other than what the moment's observations told me: these were not airplanes, nor the moon, nor any typical arrangement of stars. I was spellbound. Well known for talking to my dog, I surprised myself by talking to the sky. "Who are you?" I asked, and "thank you for sharing your bright beauty."

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