It's 2021, are we better yet?

If you woke up each morning this week thinking it was supposed to feel different, we're sympathetic. And if you feel the heaviness this morning that our world is still profoundly unpredictable, unprecedented, and unstable, we're with you.

The calendar tells us it's a new year, but the biological, political, and social viruses of 2020 are still with us. So how do we abide the lingering troubles and manage to find potential in the new beginnings of 2021?

We can choose to breathe in, breathe out, stretch long, and stand tall. We can commit to one simple act today that supports our health. We can reach out to support the well-being of a loved one, or perform one small act of kindness to ease the suffering of another.

This is how we embody hope in the midst of dismay and despair, and make each day feel new. This is how we remind ourselves that every day is New Year's Day. After all, it is always another 365 days until we sit on this earth in this particular position relative to the sun again.

~ Annie Moyer
