Finding clarity

Every four years, our city revels in pageantry as a newly-elected (or re-elected) President is sworn in for their term. But like so many other events large and small in the last ten months, the festivities this time around are canceled. There will be no balls, no parade, no crowds along the National Mall. Streets are closed, invitations are required, and most of us are resigned to watch (or not) from a device inside our own homes.

While the causes of this year's alternate approach are overarching and overwhelming, what remains is the heart of the event itself. Democracy has survived, a new President will take the oath, and the traditional transfer of power – albeit bruised and beaten – lives on. It's a stunning reminder that pomp and circumstance may be the dress-up clothes for defining moments, but the moments themselves do not lose definition without their regalia, and perhaps gain clarity as a result.

We can apply this understanding to our yoga and mindfulness practice, and the pandemic is the perfect chance to do so. We don't need fancy pants, flexible body parts, or showy moves. We simply need our breath, a consistency of awareness and attention, and the loving (virtual) presence of each other for support and encouragement along the way.

However you plan to spend Inauguration Day, we hope you are safe, nourished, and connected with loved ones in the simple ways that matter most.

~ Annie Moyer

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