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Purification, Refinement, and Surrender: Yoga's Pandemic Insights - An Intergenerational Dialogue with Annie Moyer & Anais Ortiz on Zoom

  • Sun & Moon Yoga on Zoom (map)

Join Annie and Anais for this FREE, intergenerational conversation to explore the yogic view – through our current coronavirus window – on the crisis that's facing us right now, and how we can face it with the wisdom of the ages.

In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, one of yoga's foundational texts, we learn that the heart of spiritual and wellness practice comes down to three pieces of work: bringing the heat of discipline to purify our inner and outer circumstances; turning awareness inward to reveal our true and abiding nature, and letting go attachment to any notion of our ability to control external circumstances.

Annie and Anais will present a short overview of the relevant portion of the text, and then open up the conversation to the group.


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