Calling All Millennials
The quarter-life chapter is bursting with potential for life-changing growth and transformation beyond the external pressures and expectations that seemingly bind millennials. Grounded in time-honored wisdom from both east and west, this weekly workshop paves a steadier foundation for mind and body through intentional yoga, meditation, and philosophy. Each week will build off the last and explore new topics to help us dive deep into the quarter-life quest and make great strides into life’s next chapters.
Open to both new and experienced yogis in their twenties through early thirties. This is a four-part series occurring Wednesday evenings in January (starting 01/08/2020) from 6:30-8:30pm.
February 5: Clarity of Mind
February 12: Courage through Breath
February 19: Compassion at Heart
February 26 Insight into the Soul
$108 for all four weeks
$30 to drop in