Bring the kids for a fun family stretch and relaxation. Classes include age-appropriate yoga poses; some partner activities; stories, music, or poems; and guided relaxations.
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Bring the kids for a fun family stretch and relaxation. Classes include age-appropriate yoga poses; some partner activities; stories, music, or poems; and guided relaxations.
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Arlington: 3811 Langston Boulevard, Arlington VA 22207. 703-525-YOGA (9642)
Fairfax: 3975 University Dr. #130, Fairfax, VA 22030. 703-890-1550
© Sun & Moon Yoga Studio, 2015 - 2020
All Rights Reserved
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We respectfully acknowledge that our studios sit on the ancestral homeland of the Manahoac and Nacotchtank (Anacostan) tribes, and that this land is sacred, historical, and significant, as are the lands of all First Nations People.