Take an exhilarating inhale the next time you step outside on a brisk day, or in the soft chill of evening, or with a frosty morning's first light. That lung-filling gulp of fresh cold winter air can serve as a reminder of nature's ineffable way of insisting her presence in the very midst of our lifeblood – the breath – in the season when we seem least likely to commune with her.
As we enter into Winter Number Two of Who Knows What, will you let us help you find support and inspiration from an accessible, refreshing, mindful practice? Our winter yoga schedule offers some wonderful new and ongoing classes like Homebody Yoga Thursdays and Gentle Wednesday afternoons, Yoga for Core Stability, blends of Yin, Restorative, Vinyasa, and Hatha, plus meditation in-person with Annie on Wednesday evenings.
Check out our class schedule and register now!