The knee is the largest joint in the body, a complex assortment of four bones and an extensive network of ligaments and muscles. As such, it’s one of the most easily injured joints, and pain around it can be chronic and debilitating. In this workshop, Amir will help you re-align your hips and legs through stretches and traction; build your own recovery program for your particular condition; practice simple yoga postures which relieve pain; learn about postural patterns and implications for the knees. The workshop is not a yoga "class." It is lecture and practice, using yoga therapeutics, of just those poses specific to addressing problems with the knee. Amir discusses anatomy that relates to knee issues, body alignment, and different yoga therapy techniques/yoga poses/stretches to address these issues. He recommends that students bring a camera so they can record all or parts of the workshop. Amir's workshops don't assume that anyone who attends has ever done yoga--so it's appropriate for all levels of experience.
With Amir
Cost: $40