We talk a lot about "opening" in yoga: postures to open the shoulders, movements to open the hips, breathing techniques to open the lungs, supported shapes to open the heart, and meditations to open the mind. While many of us have continued these practices throughout the pandemic, the felt sense of "openness" seems even more accessible when the broader environment mirrors it – like the deep happy breath when your favorite restaurant hangs the sign saying their dining room is open, or the inspiration that comes when you can stand in reverent view of art at the Smithsonian museums, or the relief that your local gift shop's lights are twinkling to signal that they made it through the pandemic.
We, too, are breathing happy breaths. Both studio locations are open, and we're here to help you feel open. Safety is still our highest priority, which is why we're asking all in-person students to be fully vaccinated (show us your card or a photo of it the first time you return to the studio), and join us for as many breaths as you can take. If the best way for you to access openness is to continue practicing from home, we're here with live Zoom and replays at your convenience.