With some examination, we can see that the mind is a vigilant problem solver. She finds peace when she is allowed to rest where there are no problems. Experiencing this Truth requires her full attention.
Our attention follows our senses. Our senses are generally tuned towards the external realm seeking satisfaction in the impermanent. In our time together, we will explore ways to turn these sensitive, magnificent and powerful instruments towards the inner realm where true satisfaction awaits. We will practice pratyahara and allow ourselves to look, listen, touch, taste and sniff inwardly with the hope of discovering that there is no problem to solve.
Friday evening, 6:30p to 8:30p, $45
Hearing the Heartbeat of the Mind
We will listen deeply to the desires of our heart that fuel the fluctuations of the mind. Referencing what are known as The Eight Worldly Desires, we will explore what entangles and tempts us away from our centers where we are relaxed and at ease. Our asana practice will stay low to the ground with a focus on hip openers and be interspersed with seated meditations.
Saturday early afternoon, 12:30p to 3:30p, $70
Touching the Breath Space
Of course there are more than four parts to the breath. We will investigate these subtitles through the immense sensitivity in our hands. Through simple asana designed to lengthen the side body, pranayama and meditation techniques, we will explore our tactile relationship with the breath. The hope is that we will have a more intimate relationship with where we are within the breath cycle and an increased ability to be in touch ourselves.
Saturday late afternoon, 4:00p to 6:00p, $45
Tasting the Harmony
A diverse palate allows us to travel far and wide as well as deep. We will experiment with the delicate sensitivity of our palates within our asana practice. With an emphasis on twists and forward folds, we will experiment with a more intimate taste of our experience and allow this to deepen our meditation practice.
Sunday early afternoon, 12:30p to 3:00p, $70
Desiring to be Oneself
We won’t survive unless we like our whole selves, and like any good relationship, this requires our time and attention. Playing with the skills of inner investigation that we have honed throughout the weekend, we will dive a little deeper with the intention of meeting for real. Our practice will play mostly with freeing up the neck and shoulders and weave in pranayama and meditation techniques to allow the mind, the sixth sense, to find rest in our body.
$210 for the full weekend